Kirk Grundahl, a professional engineer, the Executive Director of the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA) and the President of Qualtim, Inc., SBCA’s contract management firm, shares insights into ‘Making Relationships Work’ with host Randy Goruk.
In this conversation, Kirk:
- Describes the three diverse types of business relationships he is challenged with.
- Describes the signs he looks for in a healthy relationship in each of the three different groups he mentions.
- Explains the top challenges to making these relationships work and describes a few techniques to overcome each of these challenges.
- Addresses the solutions to fixing a relationship gone bad.
- Provides a simple solution for helping two people resolve a conflict.
- Provides a practical suggestion on how to help someone who wants to get out of a relationship with a supplier or vendor, but they’re not sure how?
Kirk Grundahl, a professional engineer, the Executive Director of the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA) and the President of Qualtim, Inc., SBCA’s contract management firm, shares insights into ‘Making Relationships Work’ with host Randy Goruk.
Kirk explains the complex relationships he’s challenged and offers many suggestions to overcome those challenges. His advice is practical and helpful to all who struggle with different business relationships.
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