Have you noticed the huge number of companies posting job openings lately?
I see “Hiring Now” banners hanging from sides of buildings. Electronic messages on gas pumps when I put gas in my car. Multiple postings when I check LinkedIn and other social media.
Unusually high hourly wages or hiring bonuses are often posted to entice applicants, making today’s search for employees seem desperate.
All this reflects a labor pool challenge in many industries and particularly in construction, building materials, and manufacturing where most of my clients come from. In this climate of more jobs than workers, what can you do?
Leadership Tip
Develop creative and meaningful strategies to attract, recruit, and retain employees.
The workforce has changed, which means leaders have to find new ways to adapt. Companies competing for talent must develop a competitive edge to be successful in filling positions now and building their pipelines for the future.
If you’re challenged with recruiting or retaining employees, I suggest picking up ideas from these articles in Team Engine, a recruitment and communications platform I have contributed to and work with:
- 5 Tricks for Recruiting, from the Pros
- 6 Retention Tactics for New Hires
- Long-Term Retention Strategies (available Friday, March 4th)
You can also check out these helpful Team Engine resources for help solving labor pool challenges you face and providing ideas to hang on to your best people.
Remember, your great culture, great products, and great service stem from your great people. So, be intentional in how you appeal to them, find them, and keep them.