Strategic Employee Engagement Curriculum
This course ………………………. This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ………………………. This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ………………………. This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ……………………….This course ……………………….
Course Introduction Module – 20 to 30 minutes
This module will contain a video welcoming the students and provide them with a solid orientation of the course, the purpose and logistics of the ‘initial assessment, intention tracker and live coaching calls.’
- Welcome and Orientation
- Course objectives
- Initial assessment
- Downloads
- Progress check list
- Intention Tracker
- Live Coaching sessions
- Classes
- Exam
Creating The Engaged Culture Module – 60 to 90 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares strategies, tips and techniques on how to create a culture of high employee engagement in your organization. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- What is culture and why it is important
- Examples of great culture
- Examples of poor culture
- The challenges with changing cultures
- What is employee engagement and why it is important
- How does employee engagement differ from employee satisfaction
- The causes of employee disengagement
- The cost of employee disengagement
- The leadership solutions to achieve high employee engagement
- Additional resources for establishing an engaged culture
Attributes and Characteristics – 40 to 60 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares the attributes, characteristics and qualities of great leaders. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- The impact of leadership competencies on employee engagement
- The attributes, characteristics of great leaders
- Examples of great leadership
- Examples of poor leadership
- Additional resources for leadership attributes, characteristics and qualities
Communication Part 1 – Module – 60 to 90 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares strategies, tips and techniques on how to use communication to fully engage your employees. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- Communication as a strategy for employee engagement
- The art of asking great questions
- Listening – the million dollar solution
- The power of stump speeches
- The magic of focal points
Communication Part 2 – Module – 60 to 90 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares strategies, tips and techniques on how to use communication to fully engage your employees. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- Delegating for optimal results
- Non-verbal messages for success
- Powerful presentation skills
- Everything communicates
- Additional resources on communication for engagement
Measurements and Accountability Module – 45 to 60 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares strategies, tips and techniques on how to measure employee engagement and how to hold others accountable where employee engagement is not achieved. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- The importance of measuring employee engagement
- How to measure employee engagement
- How to hold others accountable and avoid conflict
- Additional resources for employee engagement and accountability
Inspiration and Motivation – 60 to 90 minutes
This module will contain a variety of audio, video and power point with voice over that shares strategies, tips and techniques on how to inspire and create an environment to motivate your employees. The module will also include interactive progress check list, intention tracker, download material for assignments, live coaching and a module exam.
- How do inspiration and motivation differ
- What is inspiration and its relationship with employee engagement
- The secrets to providing inspiration
- What is motivation and its relationship with employee engagement
- The secrets to providing motivation
- Additional resources for inspiration and motivation